29 November 2010

On the 31st of October 2010, The senior citizen day was celebrated in Stella Maris Church in conjunction with the World Senior Citizen Day. It was organized by the Pastoral Care Ministry. The event started out with the Bahasa Malaysia Mass and continued with lunch and several activities in the hall. Doddy, George & Josue joyously performed oldies songs while the old folks went about with their activities.

On the 23rd of October 2010, the Stella Maris Youth Ministry has successfully organized an outreach program to San Damiano Children's Home. Around 30 youths participated in the program and brought along tons of food, clothing, books and cash(RM6180) which was effortlessly collected throughout the 3 weeks campaign. Thank you so much to all who have contributed to this outreach. Your generous donations touched the hearts of many. We hope that all of us would continue to become the light to those in the dark and in need. Shine your love to those who need it the most.

Before the youths left for the outreach, Father Tony expressed his gratitude and gave his blessings..

15 October 2010

Youth Recycling Campaign
Fund raising for San Damiano Children's Home

The amount raised from this campaign was an astonishing RM910. Special thanks to everyone who contributed for this good course. The money that was successfully raised will be channeled to San Damiano Children's Home Kiulu on the 23rd of October 2010.

22 September 2010

Pastoral Council:

1. Sr. Carmen Cordova 013-8600710 Ex-Officio

2. Thomas More Willie 012-8021115 Chairman

3. Neil Mah 013-8798415 Vice-Chairman

4. Teresa Alberto 019-8516599 Secretary

5. Diana Wong 019-8523103 Assistant Secretary

6. Patrick Molie 013-8641995

7. Gregory Juin 013-8681166

8. Mathew Gulil 016-8318851

9. Jane Yong 016-8055311

10. Stephen Sondoh 013-8658333

11. Theresa William 012-8271866

12. Geoffrey Jonik 013-8661540

13. James Chu 012-8033860

14. Jeremy Chin 012-8010899

Finance Council:

1. Claudius Roman 013-8833999 Chairman

2. Mary Gomez 012-8283168 Secretary

3. Edward Ng 016-8025688 Treasurer

4. Michael Tseu 013-8873178

5. Kay Armstrong 012-8205563

6. Juvita Stevenson 016-8312398

7. Albert Chee 016-8305328

Catechetical Ministries:

(Coordinator: Theresa William 012-8271866 Assistants: Diana Wong & Patrick Molie)

1. Joyful Weekend Gathering (Primary) Sr. Maria Banting 088-238832

2. Joyful Weekend Gathering (Secondary) Patrick Molie 013-8641995

3. Christian Initiation for Children (CIC) Raymond Tan 016-8361331

4. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Gregory Juin 013-8681166

5. Infant Baptism Jeremy Ting 088-215130

6. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Diana Wong 019-8523103

7. Liturgi Sabda Kanak-Kanak Joanna Egon 016-8175015

Support Groups:

(Coordinator: Mathew Gulil 016-8318851 Assistant: Jane Yong)

1. Sunday School Parents Group (SSPG) John Robert 013-8710776

2. Service Team Ronald Tan 019-8618078

Apostolate Ministries:

(Coordinator: Jeremy Chin 012-8010899 Assistants: Sr Carmen Cordova, James Chu)

1. Prayer Intercessory Ministry Cindy Tsen 016-8175169

2. Eucharistic Adoration Ministry Elizabeth Chia 012-8280409

3. Kerasulan Bahasa Theresa Simin 013-8726410

4. Legion of Mary Catharine Ong 012-8661858

5. Catholic Women’s League (CWL) Monica Chua 016-8810091

6. Youth Ministry Doddy Jude 016-8044207

7. Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) Neil Mah 013-8798415

8. Pastoral Care Marian Vitalis 019-8512257

9. Secular Franciscan Order (SFO) Sr. Regina Kimung 088-231989

10. Stella Maris 1st Neo-Catechumenal Comm Richard Rajah 019-8623005

11. Divine Mercy Devotion Theresa William 012-8271866

Liturgical Ministries:

(Coordinator: Neil Mah 013-8798415 Assistant: Jeremy Chin)

1. Altar Servers Thomas Kong 016-8207378

2. Choir & Music Ministry Neil Mah 013-8798415

3. Special Ministry Kay Armstrong 012-8205563

4. Wardens & Matrons Albert Chee 016-8305328

5. Children’s Liturgy of the Word (English) Diana Wong 019-8523103

6. Liturgi Sabda Kanak-Kanak Joanna Egon 016-8175015

7. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Gregory Juin 013-8681166

8. Liturgy Roster (Weekend Masses) Helen Ting 0168113823

(Daily Masses) Sr. Alphonsus Low 088-231989

9. Sacristan Bernadus 010-9510834

10. Bulletin Neil Mah 013-8798415

Family based Ministries:

(Coordinator: Gregory Juin 013-8681166 Assistants: Stephen Sondoh, Geoffrey Jonik)

1. Family Life Ministry Gregory Juin 013-8681166

2. KKD St. Faustina, Putatan Daniel Anggang 016-8040223

3. KKD Putatan Dominic Chong 019-8959821

4. KKD Rumah Pangsa, Tg Aru Mathew Gulil 016-8459286

5. BEC Community Tatanah Gregory Juin 013-8681166

St. Catherine of Siena Church, Putatan:

1. Stephen Sondoh 013-8658333 Chairman Steering Committee

Documentation & Archives:

1. Teresa Alberto 019-8516599

2. Diana Wong 019-8523103

Sunday Breakfast Sales:

(Coordinator: Mathew Gulil 016-8318851)

1. Sunday School Parents’ Group

2. Service Team

3. Catholic Women’s League

4. BEC Tatanah

5. Youth Ministry (occasionally)

14 September 2010


" As for me, my life is already being poured away as a libation, and the time has come for me to be gone. I have fought the good fight to the end, i have run the race to te finish; I have kept the faith; all there is to come now is the crown of righteousness reserved for me, when the Lord, the righteous judge will give to me..." (2Tm 4:6-8)

Our beloved Fr Tobias Chi was called to eternal rest when he completed his journey peacefully at Queen Elizabeth Hospital on 11 September 2010 at 3.45am

Fr Tobias Chi was born in 1924 in Yenki, Manchuria, China. After his priestly ordination at Macau at 1954, he was sent to serve in North Borneo (now Sabah). He retired from active ministry in 2004. He served the Catholic Church in Sabah for a total of 50 years. He was always a zealous servant of the gospel, building the kingdom of God generously without calculating the cost.

We, the congregation of Stella Maris Parish will miss you so much & will always pray for you.



A Fond Farewell

Joyce Chin is not an unfamiliar name in Stella Maris Parish. Whenever a wonderful hymn is played through the speakers of the church, you would definitely know that it's Joyce playing her favourite instrument; the keyboard. After many years of service to the church, Joyce has to say farewell to all her friends in Malaysia. Due to family and work advancement, she has to leave Malaysia and move to Brunei. No worries, she wont be going alone, she will be with her Husband and her daughter Isabelle. We will surely miss the harmonious melody played during Sunset Masses and the joyous symphony played on Sundays. Apart from weekly commitment, Joyce was also actively involved with the special masses (e.g. Weddings, and funerals).

A fond farewell to Joyce. With best wishes from our heart, we hope that your journey to the new land would bring you closer to the light of Christ. Have faith and be strong mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You'll always have a place in our hearts. By the Youth Ministry, Choir Ministry, and the Special Ministry.


23 August 2010

Pesta Belia Keuskupan (PBK) 2010 marks it's 11th youth celebration. It be held from the 6th to the 9th September 2010 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Youths from different walks of life within the KK Diocese will come together to celebrate this joyful event. The previous PBK celebration was held in Sandakan in 1998. The youths representing our parish will be performing a drama on stage during the event on the second night of the celebration.

These are the list of participants that will be representing Stella Maris Parish Tg. Aru;

17 August 2010

Doddy Jude Anthony (Current Youth Leader)

Our current Youth Coordinator, Doddy Jude will be away due to work. During the period of his absence, the Youth Ministry will be handed over to the two most active committee members to take charge and make the right decision for the youths of Stella Maris Parish.

With immediate effect, Thomas Kong & Jeremy Chin will be the Joined Acting President until the current term end.

Thomas Kong Jeremy Chin

14 August 2010

The Latest addition to our youth activity: Fund Raising With The Women's League!

In conjunction of the Upgrading of St Thomas Fund Raising that held on 8th August 2010 (Sunday), our youth has participated by opening a game counter.
The total collection from the game counter is RM184.15 where about 70% of the amount will be donated for the fund raising and 30% for the game expenses.

Appreciation goes to Thomas Kong and the team for preparing and making it a success.

The congregation supporting the course

In only a short while, the hall was filled with people

The ticket counter

Fr. Tony feeling lucky ;)

Jeremy Chin Handing over a prize

Bernstein Lim handing over a prize

And another prize..but this time he seems less excited

Sanford Chin receiving the first coupon for the game booth

Sarah Marie (Left), Ben Leonard (Middle), Joachim Chia (Right): Ben is promoting the game booth

The game booth poster! :D

22 May 2010

Brother Ben's personal thanks.

21 May 2010

The recent charity outreach to Don Bosco Children's home

17th April 2010 was when the Youth Ministry of Stella Maris Parish Tg. Aru first opened their counter at the entrance of the church to collect the goods that parishioners kindly donated in conjunction with the charity outreach program to Don Bosco. After a period of two weeks, a total amount of RM 5726.00 in cash was collected coupled with some additional contributions in the form of food and drinks (rice, canned food, and raw meat), kitchen-wares, and toiletries. All the goods were packed and transported in a bus and a few private cars driven by parishioners of the parish. 36 Youth including Stella Maris Parishioner (6 private car & 1 bus) participated on the trip.

Upon reaching Don Bosco, the youths were received warmly by Brother Ben and the children of Don Bosco through a series of performance by the children and a speech by Brother Ben. After the presentation of speech the performances by the children at Don Bosco Children’s Home, the youth started a program with the children.

It started out with an ice-breaking to make a friendship bond between the children and the youths. Then other games such as the easter egg game followed after the ice-breaking. After all the games ended, the symbolic event was conducted. The youth leader of Stella Maris, Doddy Jude Anthony handed a pack of rice to Brother Ben as a sign to mark the event of the day. Lunch was prepared smoothly according to plan with the help of Sister Leoni.

Right after lunch, the youth led by Doddy entertained the children with his songs while playing the guitar. Then the youth preceded the day’s program by giving away small gifts to each and every child in the home. Finally the day ended with a prayer led by Sister Leoni. The food donated was sufficient and could fulfil their needs for some months.

The youth was given some positive feedbacks from the residents of the home. Some of them say that this visit was a blessing for them because it has been a while since they’ve dance and sing and had so much fun with the visitors that came to the home. They really appreciate the love, care, and time that we’ve shared with them. For those who have contributed to this program, thank you for your generosity. Please continue to pray for the welfare of the children at Don Bosco Children’s Home. God Bless.